Our Clients & Abilities
Over the years we have supported and improved equipment from a wide range of manufacturers including;
Atlas Copco
Ingersoll Rand
Domnick Hunter
We have expertise in maintaining and improving;
Oil injected screw compressors
Oil free screw compressors
Atlas Copco ZR & ZT compressors
Atlas Copco ZA, ZE & ZS compressors
Atlas Copco GA & GR compressors
Vane & rotary compressors
Water injected screw compressors
Refrigerant dryers
Desiccant dryers
MD drum dryers
Condensate removal & treatment
Compressed air control systems
To help drive costs down and quality up we can also offer;
Leakage surveys
Energy audits
Air quality tests
VSD trials
Heat recovery surveys
Asset management plans
Pressure systems regulation
Water Act compliance
Carbon foot print reduction
British Retail Consortium Code of Conduct compliance
Breathing Air Quality testing
ISO 8573 Part 1 assessments
Case Studies

Kellogg’s were looking to save energy from their compressed air system. After our survey the wasted energy from their Atlas Copco ZR250’s oil free compressors was targeted. A variable speed drive (VSD) was retrofitted to the compressor and dryer. This gave a 9 month payback.

The site had over 40 Atlas Copco compressors across 143 acres. With our expertise they were able to integrate the different networks and install compressor control systems. We also retrofitted several VSD’s saving over £500k/yr in energy.

A number of Altas Copco ZR oil free compressors and MD dryers were aging and becoming inefficient. Muller’s require Class Zero. With our assistance a 5 year plan was devised & implemented to upgrade the assets using VSD’s, controls and improved cooling.